Psychometric questionnaires for career development

We plan with the individual and the organisation which psychometrics, out of a range of possibilities, will enable further insight. The choice includes:

  • Personality questionnaires

    16PF personality factor questionnaire
    This is useful in career development because it gives us thorough insight into:
  • interpersonal style, people orientation and relationships with others
  • work style and roles which suit including likely leadership qualities
  • attitude and approach to change and capacity for dealing with pressure
  • thinking, problem solving and decision making style


Myers-Briggs type indicator MBTI
Also useful for career development because it gives us insight into:

  • valuing strengths and differences between yourself and others
  • approach to career exploration and possible occupational choices
  • preferred team role and problem solving tactics
  • learning styles and preferences
  • Interest inventory
  • Strong

    This questionnaire enhances awareness of the breadth of career and lifestyle interests which are important to you. So it assists in deciding how to fill your life with things you find interesting and so make it more nourishing. It also helps choosing occupations which interest you.
  • Ability and aptitude tests

    You are likely to choose one of these tests if you seek confirmation of your mental capacity for decisions about further study or because you may come across these in assessment centres for selection. Depending on the test they show abilities such as: critical reasoning, observation and clear thinking, verbal, numerical, abstract and mechanical reasoning ability.

    Some tests are:
  • Watson-Glaser critical thinking appraisal
  • GMA graduate managerial assessment
  • Ravens progressive matricies
  • Morrisby


Policy on the use of psychometric questionnaires and tests

We believe that the appropriate and professional use of psychometrics can greatly improve personal awareness and therefore enable sound choice making. We are committed to a code of practice, which follows guidelines from the British Psychological Society, The Institute of Personnel and Development, The Equal Opportunities Commission, and the client organisation’s code of practice.